Dear Members and Friends of the North Eastern Jewish Centre

It’s that time of the year again – the High Holydays and this year we are grateful and delighted to be able to gather again physically in our synagogue home, and we are taking every necessary precaution to ensure it is safe to do so.

We are all aware of the financial and emotional stresses that the pandemic has had on us all. In an effort to support our members, friends and their families, as we return to Shule for Rosh Hashanah after three years, the Board of Management has decided to offer our community the opportunity to secure new or additional seats in Shule at no charge for the upcoming Yommim Tovim (High Holydays). As we are not charging for these new or additional seats a donation to the Shule would be very welcome.

You are invited to fill out the form below or contact the office on 9857 9000 as soon as possible to arrange for these additional seats in Shule for this year, as there are limited seats available.

As in past years, we are delighted to be hosting our Chazan Michael Cohen, who, together with the NEJC choir, will lead services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. A hot lunch will follow the service, and an exciting children’s program, including an incursion and children’s lunch is being finalized.

Over the past Covid years, we have been confined to our own homes away from our NEJC “home.” Together with the Board of Management, I invite you back to your Shule – your “home” and look forward to celebrating with you in person once again.

Wishing you all a wonderful Yom Tov and a Shana Tova!

Yours sincerely,
Rabbi Menachem Sabbach




Your generous donation strengthens our community, and enables our services and programs, many offered free or heavily subsidised to make it affordable and inclusive.