We’ve saved you a seat for the High Holidays
Special offer for non current seat-holders.

Special offer for non current seat-holders.
Register online to join us for the High Holydays. Join us at NEJC for a comprehensive and uplifting Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Meaningful sermons by Rabbi Menachem Sabbach and moving melodies by Chazan Michael Cohen and the NEJC choir.
Join us for hot lunch following the Rosh Hashanah service and bring the children along for a fun Rosh Hashanah Children’s program.
To RSVP, visit nejc.com.au/shule-seats . or contact the office on 9857 9000 or office@nejc.com.au
Eve of Rosh Hashanah:
Sunday, 25 September 2022 – 6:30 PM

Join us for a gourmet, traditional Rosh Hashanah Community Dinner that you and your family will enjoy!
Together we will usher in the Jewish New Year and celebrate the special traditions of the Holiday.
Capture the spirit and tastes of Rosh Hashanah all in one evening with your friends, family and our community.
Eve of Rosh Hashanah: Sunday, 25th September 2022 6:30 – 9:00 PM
6:30 PM Evening Service followed by Rosh Hashana Dinner
$45 per adult.
$20 Per child.
Children under 10 – FREE
Book online: https://www.trybooking.com/CCOLD
**Book before Monday, 12th September using PROMO CODE 10OFF for a 10% Early bird Discount! **
RSVP essential.
Rosh Hashanah Children’s Program
Meet the bees workshop!
11:15 AM – 12:30 PM

Rosh Hashanah is almost here!!
Join us as we start this year off with an amazing children’s Rosh Hashana event full of sweetness and yummy treats!
Monday 26th September from 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM at NEJC
⭐Meet the Bees Workshop
⭐Special Children’s Lunch
⭐Toddler Zone
⭐Rosh Hashanah cup cake decoration & more
Join our children’s program for a fun, hands-on and educational experience!
Shofar Factory – Hebrew School Open Day
4:20 PM – 5:30 PM

Hebrew School Open Day! – FREE EVENT
Join us at the NEJC Hebrew School for a fun filled Shofar factory educational presentation!
Children will learn how to make a Shofar from start to finish, discover the different sounds it make and the importance of hearing it on Rosh Hashanah.
JOIN our Hebrew School open day!
LEARN how to blow the Shofar!
FUN for the whole family!
Open for all Children and families to enjoy!
Order your Glick’s Challah’s with NEJC

Dear friends,
As you are aware, the Village Deli in Doncaster has just closed and we are currently in discussions to set up a Kosher aisle in one of our local outlets.
In the interim, and whilst new arrangements are being finalised we have setup an online form for you to pre-order your Challah’s and Glick’s breads online.
Please note: To keep this service viable, we ask that all orders are placed ONLINE ONLY. No orders will be taken over the phone.
To order online: https://nejc.com.au/challah
For questions, please contact Angela in the office: office@nejc.com.au
Webinar – Protecting Children in Shule
12th September at 8pm

The Child Safety Community of Practice (CoP) is a grass roots initiative that grew out of a chance encounter between Miriam Weis OAM and Michele Bernshaw. The CoP is open to anyone who is interested in brainstorming and sharing ideas in order to enhance child safety in Shules and thereby across the community.
The purpose of this webinar is to challenge assumptions about safety of unsupervised children at shule and to encourage conversations between parents, grandparents, congregants and shule leadership about the measures each can take to further enhance the safety of children, especially over the High Holydays.
Join online: https://fb.me/e/27OwuvuPo